The Administrative Board (AdBoard) oversees the operations of all the departments in KCSA. This includes everything from planning general meeting activities to helping around the KCSA office to running tables at special events. Read more about AdBoard here!
Krannert Center Ambassadors
As the sister organization of KCSA, the Ambassadors collaborate with us often for special engagement events. While we focus on ushering and in-house activities, the Ambassadors are more focused on marketing and increasing Krannert Center’s presence on the UIUC campus. Many of the Ambassadors are KCSA members as well, so we wholeheartedly recommend anyone interested in marketing and outreach to visit their Facebook page and consider joining their team!
Krannert Center Student Advisory Board
The KCSAB is a University Campus Committee, formed in recognition of the Krannert Center Student-Initiated Fee. Comprised of University faculty, staff, students, and community members, this group works collaboratively with the Center’s staff regarding ways in which student involvement and engagement with the Center can be broadened and deepened through various Center activities including, yet not limited to, programming, services, and communication methods. While members of KCSA and the Ambassadors are on this committee and share many of the same goals, the KCSAB’s scope is broader and considers how the KCPA student fee is used in fostering a stronger connection between students and the Center. Read more about the KCSAB here, and contact Monique Rivera with any questions.